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Understanding Sclerotherapy: An All-In-One Guide to Vein Treatment


Cosmetic Dermatology

Sclerotherapy is a popular and effective medical procedure used to treat varicose veins, spider
veins, and other vascular conditions. This minimally invasive treatment has been around for
decades and continues to be a go-to solution for individuals seeking relief from the discomfort
and cosmetic concerns associated with visible veins. In this blog post, we will explore what
sclerotherapy is, how it works, the benefits, and what you can expect during and after the

What is Sclerotherapy?

While performing the procedure, a medical practitioner will inject a solution called sclerosant directly into the veins that are affected. This solution irritates the vein’s lining, which leads to swelling, sticking, and the formation of scar tissue.

Over time, this scar tissue fades, and the treated vein is reabsorbed by the body, leading to a significant reduction in it’s visibility or complete disappearance.

Sclerotherapy is primarily used to treat:

Varicose Veins: Enlarged, swollen veins that often appear in the legs and can cause discomfort,
pain, and swelling.

Spider Veins: Smaller, red or blue veins that resemble a web or branches of a tree, commonly
found on the legs or face.

How Does Sclerotherapy Work?

The sclerotherapy process is relatively straightforward and typically takes about 30 minutes to
an hour, based on the number and size of the veins being treated. Here’s a step-by-step
overview of how the procedure works:


Before the procedure, your doctor will examine the affected area to determine the best
approach. You may be asked to avoid certain medications, lotions, or activities that could
interfere with the treatment.


You will be lying down with your legs slightly raised during the procedure. The doctor will clean the
area and then use a fine needle to inject the sclerosant directly into the targeted veins. You may
feel a slight sting or burning sensation during the injection, but this is usually brief.

Vein Closure

The vein walls become irritated by the sclerosant, which makes them collapse and stick to one another. Blood is rerouted through healthier veins, and the treated vein gradually turns into scar tissue and fades


The treated area can be massaged following the injections to aid in the dispersion of the fluid and improve blood flow. Bandages or compression stockings are commonly used to keep the veins compressed and encourage healing.

What Are the Benefits of Sclerotherapy?

Offering numerous benefits, Sclerotherapy is a treatment of choice for many people dealing with varicose and spider veins.


Sclerotherapy is highly effective in reducing the appearance of varicose and spider veins. Many
patients notice significant improvement after just one treatment, though multiple sessions may
be needed for optimal results.

Minimally Invasive

Unlike surgical options, sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive varicose treatment, involving only small injections without the need for incisions or anesthesia.

Quick and Convenient

The procedure is typically performed in a doctor’s office and takes less than an hour. Most
people can return to their normal activities immediately afterwards.

Relief from Symptoms

In addition to improving the appearance of veins, sclerotherapy can also relieve symptoms linked to varicose veins including pain, swelling, and cramping.

Long-Lasting Results

While new veins can develop over time, the results of sclerotherapy are generally long-lasting,
especially when combined with lifestyle changes and proper care.

What to Expect After Sclerotherapy

Recovery from sclerotherapy is usually straightforward, with minimal downtime required.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind during the post-treatment period:

Compression Garments

You’ll likely be advised to wear compression stockings for several days to weeks after the
procedure. These help keep the treated veins compressed, reduce swelling, and promote

Avoid Strenuous Activity

While you can usually return to your regular activities immediately, it’s recommended to avoid
strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, and prolonged standing for a few days to allow your veins to
heal properly.

Side Effects

Some common side effects include mild bruising, redness, or swelling at the injection site.
These typically resolve on their own within a few days. In rare cases, more serious
complications such as blood clots or allergic reactions can occur, so it’s important to follow your
doctor’s instructions and report any unusual symptoms.


A follow-up appointment may be scheduled to assess the results and determine if additional
treatments are necessary. Your doctor will also provide guidance on how to prevent new
varicose or spider veins from forming.

Is Sclerotherapy Right for You?

Sclerotherapy is an effective varicose treatment suitable for many people, but it’s not appropriate for everyone. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, have realistic expectations, and are looking to treat varicose or spider veins for either cosmetic reasons or to relieve symptoms. Pregnant women, individuals with certain medical conditions, or those who are allergic to the sclerosant may not be eligible for the procedure. A consultation with a qualified healthcare provider is essential to determine if sclerotherapy is the best option for your specific situation.


Sclerotherapy is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive cosmetic dermatology treatment for varicose and spider veins that we offer at our dermatology clinic in Chapel Hill that can improve both the appearance and comfort of your legs.

Whether you’re dealing with the discomfort of varicose veins or simply want to get rid of unsightly spider veins, sclerotherapy can offer significant relief and boost your confidence. By understanding the procedure, its benefits, and what to expect during recovery, you can make an informed decision about whether sclerotherapy is right for you.

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Trillium Clinic Dermatology and Trillium Med Spa are dedicated to assisting patients embark on a transformative path toward improved wellness, radiant skin, and renewed confidence.

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