IV or intravenous therapy is also know as IV Vitamin Therapy, IV Nutrition Therapy and IV Hydration Therapy
IV Therapy and Vitamin Shots are popular because of their benefits in health and wellness. Delivering essential vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream allows for better absorption and faster results.
IV hydration therapy can quickly replenish fluids and electrolytes, making it an effective treatment for dehydration, whether due to intense physical activity, illness, or excessive alcohol consumption.
IV therapy can deliver a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, which may help address deficiencies and support overall health and wellness.
Many people report feeling increased energy levels after receiving IV therapy, attributed to the infusion of vitamins and minerals that play essential roles in cellular metabolism and energy production.
Certain vitamins and minerals delivered via IV therapy, such as vitamin C and zinc, are known for their immune-boosting properties, potentially helping to prevent illness or reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.
IV therapy may include ingredients like glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that can help neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which are implicated in the aging process.
While not a direct weight loss treatment, IV therapy can support overall health and metabolism, potentially aiding individuals in achieving their weight management goals when combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
IV Vitamin Therapy is administered directly into the veins makin it a very fast way to get critical nutrients into your body.
Working with the clinical team, you can choose an IV hydration therapy that is rejuvenating and supports total body wellness.
Trillium Med Spa offers different IV Hydration formulas tailored to your unique needs
Formulated to invigorate and hyer-charge your metabolism, our blend of B-Complex, amino acids, and glutathione aims to ignite fat burning, enhance metabolism, and supply essential nutrients for overall well-being.
Formulated to improve cognition, this personalized IV infusion comprises a proprietary mix designed to clear brain fog and restore mental clarity
Glutathione, a peptide and potent antioxidant naturally synthesized by the liver, shields the body from free radicals and heavy metals. It plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration, repair, and detoxification.